Its right arm can inflict Fireblight and its left arm can inflict Waterblight.Buy Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin - All-In Extra Content Pack When enraged, it wields fire and water at the same time. It can promote plant growth with its unique sap-like fluids, which can also be used to harden the plants and soil even on its own body. Garangolm is a new Fanged Beast whose inspiration is more nebulous, but it may be inspired by Frankenstein's monsters, golems, or gargoyles. True to its werewolf inspiration, Lunagaron can enter a form in which it stands on its hind legs. It wields ice and can armor itself with it. Lunagaron is a new Fanged Wyvern that resembles a wolf, inspired by a werewolf. However, "when the hunter attacks a monster in this state, they will regain health proportionate to the amount of damage dealt," according to Capcom's official website. It can inflict Bloodblight, a new status effect, which drains a hunter's health while limiting their recovery.

Malzeno is a new bat-like, vampire-inspired Elder Dragon. The three we know of are known as the Three Lords, which threaten the land Sunbreak takes place in.

Though every monster above is new to Monster Hunter Rise, there are brand-new monsters in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.