Ghost patterns are automatically displayed so you see which patterns in each scene are repeating. Improved Arranger View now displays pattern lengths in the Scene Arranger.Numerous bug fixes, as well as performance and stability improvements.ALT+Drag for copy-pasting single elements (patterns, scenes, plug-ins) in the Groups / Sounds lists and the plug-in chain.Sound, group volume & pan knobs are only displayed on hover.Instantiating the first plug-in on an empty sound updates the name of that sound to the plug-in name.Control software views from the navigate page on MASCHINE and MASCHINE STUDIO controllers.Play quantize option –notes played live on the pads are quantized in real time.Shift functions allow fast scroll browsing.A setting that only turns the metronome on when the Record button is enabled.Mix page on MASCHINE and MASCHINE MK2 controllers has been expanded and now provides access to level and pan settings for groups and sounds.Scenes can be selected/triggered via MIDI input when MASCHINE is running standalone.Undocked NI plug-in windows can be pinned to remain active when not in focus.MIDI export available on the Group and Sound levels A batch function to set all sounds in a group to the same MIDI channel.Sounds accessible on pads on sample recording screen.Browse directly from KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboard using the new Hardware Browse mode.

In the Slicer, "Manual" mode is now the default."Pattern Grid" renamed to “Arrange Grid” and moved below the Group List in the software.Directly access audio and MIDI settings from the regular preferences dialog.